Friday, October 6, 2017

That One Annoying Friend

Everybody has that one annoying friend who just sucks the fun out of everything.  This is they kind of 'friend' who interrupts you every time you try to talk, with their own running commentary, or their own idea of what you should be saying.  They have so little regard for you as a person, that they just never get it, when you finally get so fed up that you just shut up.

Why not tell them they suck?  Well, it's been my experience, that these are the type of people who just can't handle any criticism.  Any suggestion that they are less than perfect is met with a pouting demeanor and such hurt feelings that they never let you forget.

These are the same types of people who just can never get wry humor.  They suck all the fun out of lively conversation with such a serious tone, that you wonder if they were ever happy about anything in their life.  

My particular nemesis not only sucks the fun out of every situation, he also does it loudly.  He is abrupt, and curt and loud.  His shit is always the best.  He knows the best way to do everything.  He thinks that his interests are the most important thing in the world.  He will bore people for hours about his life, to the point of repeating himself so many times that even I can tell the story.

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