Friday, October 6, 2017

Duck And Cover

It's been four days since 58 people were murdered in Vegas.  Four days of bullshit and worthless gestures.  Nothing is going to change.  There is not going to be some grand revelation that's going to bring a change that will prevent this from being an ongoing scenario in some other city.  

Thoughts and prayers are a waste of time.  I can offer up farts and burps and the result is the same.  There is just too much money involved for any legislative action.  When the gun manufacturers are piping money into the pockets of politicians like a gushing river, there is not going to be any movement toward regulation.

When the media kept calling this latest episode the greatest mass murder in modern history, I just knew there was some guy, sitting at home, masturbating to his latest gun purchase, and vowing to beat the current record.  

We have a NASCAR mentality in this country.  We have been pushed into wanting to be the best, and the fastest and the greatest.  Drive in any situation and there's always going to be people who will weave in and out of traffic and risk death just to win the race to the next stoplight.  Speed limits be damned.  They just have to be in front of you.  

I fear it's the same with murder.  Living in infamy seems to be the goal; even though most aren't around to receive the praise they think they richly deserve.  Why did Booth kill Lincoln?  He thought his Southern comrades would greet him as a hero and he would be worshiped as a god.  He would avenge the tragedy of losing by killing the man he blamed.  

Nothing is going to stop the killing.  No one is going to rescue us.  We'll just wait until next time and fart and burp.  At least we'll feel better when we do.

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