Saturday, April 13, 2019

Chaos And Lawlessness

Less than two years away from the next major election cycle and we're faced with the prospect of another 4 years of agent orange.  With an almost endless number of candidates throwing their hats into the Democratic race, it's going to be a long and arduous journey.  I can only hope that voters will decide to pick someone with enough appeal to win.

Those leading in current polls are Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Pete Buttigieg.  Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris are bringing up the rear, along with too long a shot Beto.  I'm not sure any of these people are what will bring people out in the numbers needed to defeat agent orange.  Biden hasn't even said he's running.  Bernie and Warren are spouting the same old far left message that just might screw things up so badly, that no one will want to vote.  Mayor Pete speaks well, has a confident demeanor, but I'm not sure the country is ready for a gay president.  

Of course, this is all speculation.  We may not have much a country left after agent orange and his pirates spend 2 more years spinning chaos and defying laws.  Since ass-lips rode down his elevator in his ivory tower, he's been demeaning and name calling and acting like an emperor.  His contempt for the law, and his contempt for stellar institutions may just be a pre-cursor of what he has in store.  Organizations run by honorable, hard-working people and doing service for its citizens, have been undermined, and maligned during his entire term.  

Almost daily, it seems, this administration hits a new low.  There seems to be end to the evil that will come out of this chaotic time.  There are no men or women of honor left in the Republican Party.  Blatant racism is now out in the open.  I see no decency left in the GOP. Being lapdogs for agent orange is their new normal.

While some administrations commit sins of omission, this one overtly sins with commission. It's now acceptable for men to treat women as objects, to be ridiculed and debased should these women speak their minds and express their ideas.  The depth of depravity have yet to be reached with today's GOP. 

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